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Home: Welcome

You want more than you currently have

If you're not where you thought you'd be by this point in your life and you want help in stepping into the Jimmy Choo's of the woman you know you were destined to be, you're in the right place.

You're the kind of woman who seizes opportunities with unwavering purpose and speed.

You’re a purpose-driven action taker and once you find a method that works for you, there’s no holding you back, you're a firecracker!

You’re fiercely intuitive and live life like there’s a red carpet unfurling under your feet wherever you step; you know you are destined for great things; you know the universe has got your back.

When you’ve got the right guidance and framework, you move lightning fast. You trust your gut, make quick decisions and move forward with things that feel right, in a heartbeat.

I am so happy to welcome you!

As a mindset and business coach, I help ambitious women like you not only discover their inner strength but harness it to create thriving online businesses and lead authentic, luxurious lives.


Are you tired of settling for less and ready to step into your power? I specialise in working one-on-one with female clients who refuse to accept second best. Together, we’ll redefine your potential, overcome challenges, and transform your dreams into reality.


My approach combines the power of mindset mastery with practical business strategies. You’re not just a dreamer; you’re an action taker, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.


Through personalised coaching and my online digital marketing course, I’m dedicated to equipping you with the tools and knowledge you need to thrive in the online business world.


Join me on this transformative journey. Let’s unlock your full potential and make your dreams of a luxurious, abundant life a reality.


Hi! I'm Helen


I live in the UK with my teenage son and my little black pug, Shadow. I left school without finishing my formal education as I had a strong desire to start working and always knew that success was inevitable for me. I worked my way up in the corporate world, managing IT projects in financial services and making good money along the way. The problem with a high paid career can often be the stress, overload and anxiety that comes with it. This was the case for me and as a solo parent, I made the bold step over a year ago to quit my corporate career and set up my own company. I now work as a business and success coach helping (mainly) women to get more confidence and visibility online and set up and run their own online businesses.

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